Hair Oil - Scalp Elixir
L hair oil super ra2i3a! seret mesta3mlita around 6 times w fe3lan la2et fare2 kbir
Akhadet men 3andkon last month l hair oil bottle, wow! Balash yetla3 sha3er khafif bel faraghat li keno w sha3re sar an3am
Bade elkon shaghle bi 5sous l hair oil, sha3re ken yherr ktir w hala2 5af l har bi nesbit 40% ta2riban w hayda ba3edne awal esbou3!! Really amazing thank you Revive ❤️
حابب أعطيكن رأيي بخلطة الزيوت، كنت عاني بحكّة بجلدة الراس كل الوقت، وكل ما زادت الحكّة كنت روح احلق شعري عالأخير!! الحمدلله مبارح كان 6 استخدام للخلطة وكتير كتير مرتاح عليها !! على الأقل ما بقى عم حك مثل الجربان لوول😃😃
I have a damaged hair due to coloring☹️ but your hair oil ! wow😍😍 ktir fara2it ma3e bas wa2afet coloring w mberih saro 4 weeks of usage, my hair is totally different now, thx!
Ma ma32oul hal hair mist ri7to sho ra2i3a !! ktir 7abayto😍
L hair mist bundle li akhadta kenit wow, aktar shi 7abbayto l green tea, super fresh !!
Hayda l hair misssssst !!! 3she2to 😍😍😍 ma ba2a fiye 2o2ta3o men 3ande, 3anjad Amazing ! mwafa2in fi ktir.👏🏻👏🏻
Bi khsous l hair mist ana 3am 7ot meno la bente l zghire 3omra 3yrs, ma dal 7ada ma sa2alne sho 7atta la bentik riha !! nsatalo fiha hehe
Hello dear, habbet elkon eno l rose de nuit hair mist shi super ra2e3 !! rihto ktiiir lovely w floral w hek rey2aaaa!! Awesome❤️
Great product w great service!! thank you ktir
معطر الشعر يلي أخدته اخر مرة كتير حلو ومرتب، وخففلي من هر الشعر على فكرة
Revive Shampoo - Vegan Formula
3anjad kel shi men 3andkon raw3a!! l shampoo aktar men ra2e3!! 3am ydal sha3re rotib ma 3am ynashif, w ri7to helwe ktr w 5afife❤️
L shampoo wel conditioner li akhadton bel offer are amazing really, l shampoo ktir bi naddif minh wel conditioner ktir bi na33im, mwafa2in fihon👏🏻👏🏻
A7la shi bel shampoo eno cgm approved! Very nice product
Kent jib shampoo men l sou2 w ya3melle 7akke w 2eshre, bas jarabet yali 3andkon kabbet li 3ande w 5alas mafiye 2e2ta3o ba2a
Wel price lal shampoo is affordable btw w high quality, I like!
I love your shampoo! I have curly hair that gets really dry and frizzy, but revive shampoo made my hair less frizzy and it's so easy to comb through now
i liked the smell ❤️ and I love that it's vegan formula ❤️
Revive Conditioner - Vegan Formula
Btw l conditioner momtez, ktir bi rattib l sha3er w byeb2a hek kel l wa2et.
Adeh mjarbe conditioners men l sou2, mitel yali 3andkon ma la2et !! l texture te3oulto ra2i3a, wel fa3aliye momteze !! highly recommended!
I love the way my hair feels after using this product.❤️
Revive Thermal Shield - Heat Protectant
صرت ما استعمل السشوار قبل ما حط من السيروم , ريحة روعة ونتيجة اروع
لاحظت شعري بطل ينشف بعد السشوار👍🏻
الحمد لله بطلت اعتل هم الشوب والشمس, كثير كنت عاني من نشفان شعري خاصة بالصيفية
لقيت فرق كثير كبير
Wel hair serum yali akhadto bel bundle, ktir mofid, 3am 7ot meno after shower 3am ydal sha3re hemid ma 3am ynafish
Hal serum rihto super raw3a !! ma 3am 2e2dar estaghne 3ano😍😍
Shea Butter - 100% Organic
A7la moisturize really!
Ktir stafadet 3leh, ken sha3re yherr ktir, hala2 sayir 2a2wa bi ktir men abel, thank you ktir
Coconut - Natural Oil
L coconut oil ossa tenye 😀, 3am esta3mlo la tdal da2ne rotbe w ma tenfosh, super momtez!
The coconut oil is my favorite moisturizer!❤️
Coconut oil is the best natural alternative to conventional hair care products. I use it on my hair and it works great for me.
I had bad dandruff and used coconut oil. Thanks God, It is gone. Great product, keep it on!!👍🏻
Sarle shahren ta2riban 3am bistamil coconut oil. Ktir Ktir habbet lal sara7a.
7ase sha3re sar an3am w afta7.
Ma kenet metwaka3a hal natjie bhek se3er 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Mindoun taradod binsa7 aya hadan 3ando mashekel bi sha3ro w raso yista3mil hal montaj
3imil ma3e fare2 mni7 lal sar7a min awal ma balshet fi
Rosemary - Natural Oil
Wow! 3anjad ma kent metkhayal yetla3le sha3er jdid w tet3aba l faraghat !! thank you ktir 3al recommendation ❤️
I use this rosemary oil on my hair. It makes it so shiny and healthy looking.👍🏻❤️
Castor - Natural Oil
Ma tet5eyale adeh stafadet 3al castor oil, na3amle sha3re w batal yshabbik iza bfawit asabi3e w ken yher sha3re, hala2 ktir ktir 5efif, thank you 3anjad.😍😍
هي ثاني شهر بستعمله , وبلشت لاقي نتيجية بشعري
بلش يعبي مناطق الفراغات بشعري
i love it and will keep using it❤️❤️❤️
Argan - Natural Oil
Amazing product! 3anjad toli3 l original, ktir stafadet 3leh
Almond - Natural Oil
زيت اللوز يلي اخدته اخر مرة ممتاز والله ، كان شعري يبقى منفش وضعيف، صرلي شهر تقريبا عم استعمله صار أقوى ويبقى ناعم
بس حبيت خبركم انه زيت اللوز يلي اخدته من عندكم كثير عجبني, حاسي شعري عم بضل ناعم وسلس❤️❤️
Lavender - Natural Oil
Kel yom 3am 7ot la bente 3la garderie men l lavender oil 3a traf sha3ra shi basit, rihet sha3ra btekhod l 3a2el, 3am teb2a kel l nhar !